
WorldNeverland - Elnea Kingdom

Size: 98.5 MB
Release Date: May 11, 2022


WorldNeverland - Elnea Kingdom Review:

I have played from time to time for years and I adore this game. Pretty interactions, much to do, build relationships is fun, career options are interesting and you can raise a family! The fast trip is useful, although a bit sometimes confusing with the routes they choose. The dungeons are fun, but I usually skip the part of walking, since it is quite boring. 10/10 I would recommend for a fun but casual game. A very dear game for my heart! I've been playing from time to time for almost 5 years. I lived many different lives and raised many children that I miss from time to time. I received a requirement to some of the characters. Especially Graham and Quincy, if you ever see them in your game. I am quite sure that some models reuse. Recommend to anyone looking for a second life. I have played this for quite some time now (4 years?) And I love it a lot, although there are some things that I think you need to update, a better storage for articles to look cleaner, different interactions for different personalities, better ways. To obtain special elements, the game feels very payment to win sometimes, although it is incredible, but it has been significantly more difficult to overcome things or really enjoy the game if you do not buy crystals (although now I have done it) It really is one of its kind. Unique game but is far from perfection. I wish you could have negative interactions with NPC and I want relationships in general to be more complex. I want a little of the same -sex marriage, but I understand why that will never happen. I love the game, I would even be willing to follow him to another console/platform such as the switch if that meant that he would see great updates and improvements in this incredible game. It is a very good game. It has good animations, a large map, many places to see and form relationships with other people is easy. My complaints are the load, it takes time, the search does not tell you what the article is actually, as if a fish is called something crazy, it will not tell you that if it is a fish it will only give the name. But, I like controls, they are easy and understandable. I like food recipes, quite simple. And, there is a variety of jobs.


WorldNeverland - Elnea Kingdom Description:

This may not be a game?(This is a game.) Eternal time to get family and take over to descendants. Unprecedented, stand-alone RPG and life simulator. Let's start the kingdom life now. It's everything You want in a RPG. Let's immigrate to the free and peaceful kingdom and enjoy your another life. Enjoy a free life with love and adventure. Quests, battles, item gathering, harvest, love, marriage, even raising children. An easy-going, relaxed play experience. Real life takes on new meaning. “WorldNeverland - Elnea Kingdom” is a simulation game that allows the player to enjoy a free lifestyle in an elaborate sandbox kingdom. The large number of AI characters that are moving about the kingdom and to whom the player can communicate make the player feel just as if they were playing an online game. Since it's release, “World Neverland - Elnea Kingdom” has seen over 60 updates with improvements and content enhancements reflecting the requests of players.

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